Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's The Little Things That Count

Remember the expression “a stitch in time saves nine.” Tailors and seamstresses lived by that. What stitches they used, the type of thread, and the placement, made a garment that was strong and durable. Or one that had the buttons falling off. Or had loose threads that when pulled would cause a hemline to drop or a sleeve to fall off. It’s the details, the attention paid to the little things, that’s often the difference between success or failure of a project. Here are a few of the pitfalls to avoid in the workplace.

Being Tardy:

We hate it when we’re told the delivery will arrive at 10am and they don’t arrive till 3:30pm. We feel like we’re being taken advantage of, that our time isn’t important. We feel that the phrase “Customer Service” is just hollow words to placate us. And if we’re waiting for someone to pick us up at 3 and they don’t arrive till 4, we consider them unreliable. Since this is the way we feel about others when they are not on time, what do people say and feel about you and your time management. Unreliable, irresponsible, can’t follow a schedule, questionable comprehension, doesn’t care; these are a few of the thoughts about you. Show up early, about 15 minutes, for all of your appointments. This way, you won’t feel rushed and will have time to gather your thoughts. At work, this will give you an opportunity to prepare for your day, talk to your co-workers and get ready. Punctuality and time management will prove you are responsible, that you can finish tasks on time. It shows that you can accept challenges and that you can get things done the right way.

Spelling and Grammar Mistakes:

We are a nation of bad spellers. Sometimes in a rush to get an idea down on paper or a document out, we make typographical errors. While these aren’t fatal career mistakes, they do show someone who is careless and has little attention to detail. And don’t blame spell check. It is a very useful tool, but does have a few flaws. For example, if you spell a word wrong but it spells another word correctly, the mistake will not get caught. And to, two, and too will cause problems. Also, proper names, slang, and acronyms will come up as mistakes. If you’re unsure of how to spell a word, nothing can take the place of a good dictionary and thesaurus. Another way to avoid these problems from plaguing you is to have someone else proofread your work. Read your work out loud, to check the pace and flow of ideas. And use words you’re comfortable with.

The Name Game:

People are VERY particular about their name and job title. Calling someone by the wrong name, Bob instead of Bill, or Dave instead of David, says that you do not respect the individual. And mispronouncing the name shows that you do not pay attention. Next, getting their job title wrong, oh boy does that open up a can of worms. People have worked hard to earn their title, for in some cases, their identity is based upon it. Always make sure you get the name and title right. This is a major faux pas that can cause us to miss a great opportunity.

Not Answering The Question Asked:

Remember playing in the house on a rainy day and accidentally breaking a lamp, vase, or knickknack that has been around forever. First there was that moment of panic then comes the negotiations and agreeing on a cover story. Then, Mom comes over and asks, “What happened?” And right away, we answer, “I didn’t do it”, in a way that suggests that we did it. We just dug ourselves a hole that we could not get out of and before long; we’ve confessed to everything that we did. Later, while we’re sitting in our room, without TV or music (for these were the days before video games), we try to figure out what happened. It’s the same way in the workplace. We don’t answer the question that’s being asked. We answer according to the circumstances and tone of the questioner. And most times, we try to shift the blame and focus off of ourselves. But just like with Mom, the truth comes out, we’re in a time out and the consequences have to be dealt with. Always avoid the “it’s not my fault” reply. Do not blame others. Stand up, take responsibility, fix the problem, learn from the mistake, and do not repeat it. This approach will garner more respect, positive recognition, and will strengthen your reputation. Always stick to the truth. But remember, there are reasons why things happen. Tell the truth that answers the question without confessing your role. And if you say, “I’ll learn from this and it won’t happen again”, mean it!

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